• Bags

    Our factory based in Portugal is able to produce over 1 million bags a year. WIth over 10 filtration technologies, we are confident we can cover your needs.

  • Cartridges

    Highflow pleated cartridges are produced in our factory in France. We believe we offer some of the best filtration performance on the market.

  • Filter-press cloths

    Our factory in Portugal has a workshop dedicated to custom cut media able to create top of the line filter-press cloths.

We manage 100% of the production stages

Our production sites cover every stage of the manufacturing process. From moulding to welding, including cutting the media, our workshops ensure impeccable quality control, minimising the risk of contamination by unnecessary intermediaries.

Latest-generation equipment and products

We have invested in state-of-the-art production equipment to offer our customers high-performance filtration consumables manufactured to the highest standards.

Unrivalled responsiveness

The injection moulding of the parts making up the bags and cartridges is carried out in-house. This gives us complete control over supply lead times, compatibility with all market standards and reduced manufacturing costs, which are passed on directly to the end customer.

Innovation for performance

Filtration media have been carefully selected for their performance, robustness and quality. Particular care has been taken in the design of the ‘high efficiency’ consumables to maximise their lifespan while guaranteeing a high level of filtration. Thanks to the integration of innovative media into our range of consumables, we are proud to offer superior performance and service life to the technologies available on the market.

Full traceability for greater safety

Products are individually labelled with their reference and batch number, allowing full traceability of materials and processes.

Food-certified, silicone-free

All these features ensure high-quality production, guaranteeing that certain bags, cartridges, cloths, etc. comply with food regulations (EU 1935/2004 – EU10/2011) and are silicone-free.

Certificates of conformity are available on request from our SIEBEC LTS manager.

  • Quality

    The combination of our selection of quality media suppliers and our latest-generation equipment guarantees consistent, impeccable quality.

  • Reactivity

    We have chosen to remain based in Europe in order to ensure short delivery times and a more eco-responsible approach.

  • Competitiveness

    Our local production strategy enables us to match or even beat the price of imported products without compromising on performance.

A project of OEM cartridge? A custom-made media?
We manufacture it.

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